
by The 3rd And The Mortal

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by

Da Mortum


1st → Kari
2nd → Guitar

File Size

9 KB




I had a dream in ear-li-er days loved by the one my Heart de-sir-ed Then it all start-ed to fade a-way Our love, once so strong, flowed through our hands Hu-man so hel-pless, what could we do I could but watch him walk out of my life Oh, my Heart, why art Thee weak Oh, my heart, how deep art Thy wounds Thou who thought that love was life Thou who thought that love ne-ver dies Cry out Thy sor-row and seek to heal Cry out Thy sor-row and try to for-give He that pro-mised worlds un-seen He that caused Thy pain un-real How could Thou be-lieve his words How could Thou be-lieve his love Cry out Thy Sor-row and seek to heal Cry out Thy Sor-row and try to for-get I had a dream in ear-li-er days loved by the one my Heart de-sir-ed